Tuesday 17 May 2011

And so it begins....

Hey Im Kaitlan and I am a teenage mom, but I think you already knew that. Well let me tell you a little about myself.
My name is Kaitlan, but I go by Kaiti. I blow my candles out every August 20th and have been since 1992. Which makes me 18, about to turn 19 if none of you can do math lol. I am from Saskatchewan, Canada and still live here. I have two older sisters who are 21 and 24. My parents are divorced and have been since I was 8. They are both remarried and I do not like either of my step parents. I have lived on my own since I was 16 and it turned out alot better then when I lived at home. My mom is an alcoholic and so is my step dad. I moved out because he is abusive and I charged him with assault. My dad and I never really got along from the age of 13-16. And I cannot stand my step-mom. So I moved into a group home at 16 then in with my bf. I had my my bf the summer I turned 16 and he was 25. We have been together since Aug of 08 and were still going strong. We decided we wanted to try for a baby in March of 09 and May 27th 09 we found out we were blessed with a baby. From there on things got better with my dad, at the beginning it was rough but as soon as I told him it was a boy he was ecstatic. Then on January 11th 2010 at 10:03am our son was born weighing 7lbs 12oz and 21" long. That day was the best day of my life and they keep getting better.

Ryan and I were the proudest parents and couldn't wait for all the days to come with Kade. He was such a great baby. Never cried and was well behaved. He is my world and continues to make me proud everyday. He is now 16months old and everywhere :) He is so smart too. Catches on really fast. He can say mama, dada, papa, nana, baba, thank you. He knows where his eyes, nose, mouth and belly button are. He can eat with a fork and drink from a cup. He has 8 teeth and 4 molars. He knows what "give me a hug" means. He used to hit and I taught him to "be nice" which is where he rubs your face gently. Then he gives you a hug. And the list goes on.

Ryan and I love him so much and love being parents so much that we have been trying for a second since October. No luck yet but hopefully soon.

That is pretty much it for now. Talk to you soon!!

You know when I started writing this blog, I wanted to be know, but also I wanted to let people know about  being a young mom and how its not as bad as everyone wants to think it is. I want this blog to be somewhere  I can vent and let off steam. I want to be able to say what I want because I have the right. I will say FUCK and Cunt if I so please. Why? Because its called freedom of speech Cunt Fucker :)